Kaimera receives TCG ON the ROAD grant! (2016)

ON the ROAD grants - administered by Theatre Communications Group, the national organization for the professional not-for-profit American theatre, and funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation - encourages reciprocity and cultural exchange by fostering new relationships with international colleagues. Through this grant, Kaimera will send Simón Adinia Hanukai to visit Istanbul, Turkey, and Dubai, United Arab Emirates to solidify organizational and artistic partners for the implementation of Living Altar, a multi­disciplinary performative celebration of the lives of individuals killed in conflict, regardless of origin, gender, religion, status, and profession. Simón will also visit the Turkish border­town of Gaziantep, which is surrounded by over a dozen refugee camps, to meet individuals affected by the Syrian conflict and to connect with NGOs working there. See the Press Release here and learn more about Living Altar here!

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